One Morning…

One morning I woke up
After the sun was out.
Kids on Earth were hungry;
Farmers had been killed by the drought.

Though, I had green paper;
I could do what I want.
I bathed in a tub of bath salts,
In lavishness I was a savant.

I was blinded by privilege;
Had a great inheritance.
I thought I deserved what I had;
My life was magnificent.

One morning I woke up
After the sun was out.
I was one of the hungry kids;
My money had run out.

I had no more green paper,
Life’s barriers emerged.
Troubles were galore.
I was submerged.

The privilege I took for granted
Had deserted me after all.
Should I take the noose?
It was now my call.

One morning I didn’t wake up
But the sun was still out.
My legacy was defunct;
Killed by the green drought.